complete transparency


- Increases Power & Endurance

- Supports Recovery

- Boosts Immune System

- Essential Electrolytes

- Maximizes Blood Flow

Our Research


Kyle Flack, PhD, RD, LD

Triathlete and Ironman Finisher

"I give it my full endorsement for those interested in using a pre-workout supplement."


"Awesome Product"


"Love the product. Great stim free preworkout by itself and easily stackable with other stim based products. Definitely a product worth the money."

Brian on April 11, 2023


What Customers Are Saying

Driven By Discipline

DXD Labs was created for the person who craves improvement. The person who has to squeeze the last 1% out of everything they do. With a 100% transparency label and a mission to make a product where the only addictive property is discipline!